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Throwaway Lines in Education ~ Is Our Care-less Use of Them Harming Us All?
How harming is the care-less communication through language in our school communities?
True Connection with Kids, Colleagues, Parents and All
Has the word and activity of ‘connection’ been maximised or undermined in the current model of education?
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
The Sea of Education and our Voyage of Awareness A dear colleague once shared how education can sometimes feel like you’re out at sea on...
The Power of Relationships in Schools
“Good morning, Jamie! How are you doing today?” Our morning greeting to our students has a more profound effect than just being nice and...
Are Our Human Relationships Being Replaced by Screen Relationships?
For the past four weeks I have been the University Adviser to a number of students who are completing the Practicum Teaching Block as...
One Size Fits All
It was the start of a school year and the new intake of Kindy students were arriving to have their pre-assessments done. Each child would...
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