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Connection, Collaboration and Cooperation (The beauty of how the 3C’s work together.)


As teachers, we are all familiar with the importance of using the strategies of collaboration, cooperation and connection (The 3 C’s) as being part of a teacher’s tool-kit. However, have we considered how each of these behaviours play a very needed role in truly developing the whole-being of the children in our classrooms. We are used to teaching these three C’s and applying them in isolation from a solution-based outset. Yet, have we considered that if each is seen as a very needed part of the whole, they then together have the potential to provide a turbo-charged quality learning environment. One without the others is like a ‘potato peeler without a blade’. The combining of the three together, which can be seen like the three points of a triangle, is greater than the sum total of each individual one - therefore providing a far more enriching learning space.

The three C’s of Connection, Collaboration and Cooperation, when worked with in an inter-related way, are the foundational key to developing the whole being.

Connection – What is it and how does it support collaboration and cooperation?

Is connection just about knowing kids interests, their favourite things, family dynamics and personal details, or is there more to it? Is it just an activity or the effort we make at the beginning of the year to ‘get to know kids’ or is true connection actually far deeper and something that happens moment to moment? Does the quality that we choose to connect with determine the depth of connection within our relationships?

Our level of presence within our own body, the ability to keep our mind with the activity of what our body is doing supports the level of connection and quality we have with ourselves and therefore with all others. It is knowing the quality in which you do something when you are doing it, eg. write on the board, how you speak with the class, stopping and asking a colleague how they are, walking to the photocopier or staff rooms, that determines the quality of the connections made with others.

True connection is communicated through a quality of movement and expression in everything we do. However, it often gets blocked when we choose to let our heads lead the way, when we are thinking about something else in conversation with others, being in an auto pilot or superficial mode or when we lose ourselves in other people’s problems, issues and stories.

So true connection is felt when;

  • We are aware of, honour and act on what we feel is true

  • We are present in the moment when conversing with others

  • We genuinely stop and ask people ‘How are you?’ with the intention of listening

  • We use the words we feel and mean and do not fall into the familiarity of polite functioning.

  • When we work at building trust, respect, connection and giving space to others who we relate with.

With understanding true connection, we bring more depth when we collaborate and work in cooperation with others by taking responsibility to the table.

There is nothing that does not communicate our connection (or lack thereof), whether we choose to be aware of it, ignore it, develop it or nurture it. Absolutely everything – from our way of being, our movements, our expression, our intentions – everything matters!

Collaboration – What is it and how does it support connection and cooperation?

Is collaboration merely about a group of people working at the same time together on the one project or is there more to appreciate when true collaboration is in evidence?

True collaboration is about a spherical-ness, meaning a way of engaging with each other that is fundamentally about appreciating and celebrating everyone for what they each bring. It is about knowing that we all bring a specific element/key and the power this can bring when we all work together – to make the whole complete in a quality that serves the all. Collaboration in truth allows the strengths of each person to be fully brought to the group and drawn on with an appreciation of what we all offer. Honouring and valuing the individual qualities of each member are always held with a respect and purpose.

Hence our qualities together become far more than the sum total of what each person brings individually. The unity of these facets working together in synchronicity is what true collaboration is all about. This could play out in different ways, such as working on something together at the same time, or simply working on one part and then all bringing their contribution back to the group.

Collaboration is having an awareness and understanding of the equalness each brings, and this supports the foundation of our connection with others. When this connection is truly felt and confirmed in the way we collaborate, there is a deeper commitment and purpose behind the way we relate and co-operate with each other.

Cooperation - What is it and how does it support connection and collaboration?

Cooperation looks like, feels like, sounds like: harmony and joy in interaction, everyone has a role to play, ease and flow in movement, no hitting a wall or jolting, respectful expression, an awareness of each other, knowing there’s always a possible different way forward together, equalness in presence - knowing no one can ever be more important than another.

Cooperation is primarily about the quality of holding each other with decency, respect, care and how we are together for the work to then naturally take place in a harmonious way. When we work together in a true cooperative way there is sharing of the roles from an equalness. When we cooperate, there is nothing that can’t be worked out together – always open to possible ‘what ifs.’

Giving space for each person to bring in their own qualities through the way we cooperate supports how we connect and collaborate with each other.

Connection, Collaboration and Cooperation always belong together, however, the percentage we use each of these components, are like the points on a triangle. We can vary the degrees through our use of them and even the way we combine them can differ in a range of classroom activities. Just as the three points on a triangle are always there, so are the components of Connection, Collaboration and Cooperation and should be seen as a foundation for a truly successful way of educating.

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Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide advice. Nor does it tell the education system or anyone in it what to do. Likewise, it is not a criticism. It is an observation - of what has been seen and experienced by people who have been in education over many years and thus an offering of what could possibly be a different way, should others in education consider that to be what is needed.  The opinions expressed are our personal opinions, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our colleagues.

© To Education With Love 2024

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