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Transparency, Intimacy and the Model of Education - Part 2

The Science of Vibrational Beings in a Vibrational Universe

We are currently at an historical juncture where ancient philosophy is being validated by modern science. The factor of everything being a physical-ised or more dense distillation of faster, invisible vibrations, is now a given for many scientists.

If we then accept that we are, as beings, vibration first, it then becomes easier for us to accept that, as vibrational beings, we respond primarily to vibration. Not to knowledge or to words first, but to vibration and energy.

Aspects of the existing model insist that we are exclusively three dimensional, physical beings in a material world; we are flesh and nothing more.

The ancient science of intimacy is founded on the primacy of us being vibrational beings first, and human beings second. The application of this science includes adhering to the many laws of a vibrational universe, with one such law being that of the constant magnetic pull to the deepest levels of vibrational potency and integrity.


Across the Universe, no stars, suns, planets, galaxies 'own' their light or emitting radiance and who among us has not ever responded to this ever present  beauty that we are offered every night?  It is there for all. Zero ownership.


The same principle applies equally to when a human being embodies a particular vibrational integrity: they are literally a magnet that offers that same embodiment to all others ~ freely ~ in the same manner that it was offered to them from a vibrational universe that cannot be anything but always offering such intimacy.


So, if one person embodies a depth of love for example, that quality is then passing through them and is offered for all others to embrace, because the physical body is simply the instrument that is earthing the depth of love from a universally ubiquitous source.


There are multitudes of qualities and integrities that are offered to all, by simply aligning to being in the receivership of their quality, in the same way that the original presenter of the quality received it also. In this, there can be no ownership, or any entitlement to inflating oneself as being greater than, or even as lesser than, any other. These energies only sabotage and block the receivership of the actual, true vibrational quality.


Hence, one of the first deviating corruptions of the word intimacy is the guru / disciple relationship where the guru is superior to the disciple, and is to be placed on a pedestal for worship and false devotion on the part of the disciple, whose role is to worship and to be the foil for the guru’s glittering splendour.


In truth, both participants are bound in such an arrangement because neither are accessing true intimacy or indeed, truth, at all. They are merely sustaining the continuum of the separative momentum of ownership, haves and have nots, greater than and lesser than.


The Model


This is the corrupted model of intimacy upon which the relationship of teacher and student was also founded.

The teacher represents a model that determines what can and cannot be presented as knowledge, with the teacher ‘owning’ the knowledge that the student ostensibly does not yet have. The teacher is then positioned to apportion this knowledge out to each student and each seems to assimilate it in greater or lesser degrees and, from there, experiences relative success or failure. This plays out under the intelligence of recall, an intelligence that is indubitably valid in many contexts in material life. However, it is not our only intelligence. Indeed, our true intelligence is sourced elsewhere and rests upon the movement and application of vibrational integrities that are transferred from one body (be that a star or a physical body) to another.


The De-Naturing of Intimacy

So what has become of the term intimacy in our lives and why do we never hear or indeed, would it even be deemed unsuitable, inappropriate and indeed highly questionable to use, refer to, or to describe this term in education?


In the world at large, the word intimacy has been grossly reduced to refer almost exclusively to physical intimacy between two people. Even amongst family, friends and close associates, one will refer more to a familiarity and an ease with others, rather than to say I'm intimate with my friend of 30 years standing, or even with my sister. Hence, we have reduced the word intimacy to refer only to the more physical aspects of relationship, so much so, that if a teacher, a university lecturer or tutor were to say that there was an intimacy between themselves and a student,  they would be investigated.


This travesty reveals how far we have come from the original vibrational integrity of intimacy and thence, the inevitable corruption of the word itself. This is a profound  travesty when one considers the absolute truth of intimacy. This has been a deliberate form of sabotage at its worst. It is a blight against what we all are innately. It is also what lies behind the defaming of some of our greatest teachers. Both Leonardo da Vinci and the ancient Greek philosophers were the subjects of rumours pertaining to immorality, solely because they offered true intimacy as it is presented here in its original vibrational truth and integrity.


The denaturing of the term intimacy starts very early in life in our infancy. From the first moment, we normalise separation and survival of the fittest in all aspects of life. Ultimately, we become subservient to the circulated definitions of intimacy and so many other integrities, like love, and not the vibrational truth that they represent to the essence of us by divine definition. These divine definitions relate to us the inner divinity of what we are – as vibrational beings by nature, and by origin.


Intimacy and Adoration


We experience the divine fragrance of the rose by inhaling it deeply. Adoration is the vibrational equivalent of this inhaling.

We can see inklings of this in early education where mutual adoration is often observed between teachers and children, particularly between the ages of 3-6. How often do we comment that a child absolutely adores their teacher at this age? Equally, how often is it cited that children rapidly develop and acquire multitudes more skills at this age than at other time in their lives? The informal vernacular often validates this with the many comments made about students soaking up learning like a sponge, or the often used phrase that he / she seems to learn so much by osmosis.

As an inveterate adorer and long term osmotic learner, I can say that adoration is the movement of an energy from within that confirms the exquisiteness of another. It opens a door for two people to sense integrities that they can then bring the movement of intimacy to. This includes their applied and lived intelligence of any number of integrities, such as a facility and ease with number, a fluency and ease with expression, a capacity to be truly ordered and efficient and more. Adoration often engages vibrational intimacy with any number of skills or attributes i.e equivalent-to-the-teacher mastery of these at the energetic level. What I am, you are too is the foundational orientation for this type of 'learning'.


Could this be one reason that some children appear to be miraculously fluent writers with one teacher, and yet switch off the following year with another teacher?


How would our model of life and our model of education be with true vibrational intimacy as a cornerstone?

I find myself asking why would any of our systems of life, including the model of education, not have called for, and instead have potentially, actively sabotaged, the applied science of intimacy?  This is asked in light of the fact that the exchanged vibrational integrities then become the three dimensional, material skills that we all apply in life. These are offered absolutely freely and without any lacing by the sabotage of ownership.

What, therefore, is going on with the fact that intimacy is not only not present, but that there is an active denaturing of it?


These are very key and pivotal questions for us all to start to ponder on, and to address, in order to restore the truth of our being, the simplicity of the transference of vibrational integrity, and from there, what education could actually be and represent.










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Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide advice. Nor does it tell the education system or anyone in it what to do. Likewise, it is not a criticism. It is an observation - of what has been seen and experienced by people who have been in education over many years and thus an offering of what could possibly be a different way, should others in education consider that to be what is needed.  The opinions expressed are our personal opinions, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our colleagues.

© To Education With Love 2024

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