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Whole Body Intelligence – Our True Intelligence

We all move through life in a vehicle that carries an exquisite level of internal, interdependent harmony, where its many and varied parts engage with each other in support of the wholeness that it is – the physical body. Medical practitioners, biologists, scientists all marvel at the intricate workings of this incredible vehicle, whilst artists portray appreciation of the great beauty inherent in the physical form. There is assuredly a measure of consensus in our world that the physical body is a wondrous instrument.

However, what if even these pinnacles of appreciation and wonder fall far short of the capacity, beauty and purpose of this amazing instrument? What if there is far more to the physical body than meets the physical eye of the observer and that, in fact, our greater and true mind resides, within our entire body? What if, in regard to the true purpose of our physical body, there really are

“…more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy (?) (1).

There is a state of being where the whole body expresses and communicates from an inner harmony an intelligence that goes beyond the stars. Accessing this glorious intelligence begins with the simple act of connection to the body. From there we begin the process of listening to the body’s communication, and from this foundation we start to get a sense of the whole body’s intelligence and the magnitude of what it can access.

There are so many aspects of ourselves that we yet are to fully em-body, whereas for most of us, the only mind and intelligence we are currently aware of is that which is activated exclusively by the mental plane, as well as by emotions and reactions.

Why and how is this so?

Is it possible that the current mind we collectively subscribe to (and the one we educate) has the conscious intent to override the body itself and the intelligence it can access from the moment we are born, up to and including our final breath? That this mind literally works to sustain and protect its own venerated and exclusive position from the cradle to the grave? Food choices, an array of sporting and exercise practices, entertainment and intense mental activity are some of the many strategies deployed by this mind to bludgeon and silence the body’s voice from birth. Why would we go to such lengths to override the body in this way?

Could it be that within us, we all know that the body has a greater intelligence it can access than the cerebral intelligence we use as the foundation of our world?

What is this intelligence and how does the body access it?

The body is exquisitely responsive: it responds naturally and effortlessly to our innermost essence, to cycles and to its own divine particles, all of which re-embed us into an inner harmony and from there, into the interdependent harmonious totality – the Universal Harmony – that is our natural ‘home.’

The Body’s Relationship with Cycles

We live surrounded by the many exquisitely supportive cycles of Nature: the cycle of night and day, the lunar cycle and the cyclical movement through the seasons all reconnect us with our intricate interdependence, a sense of our place within the greater whole, as well as re-establishing the fluidity of the movements of true activity and deep rest.


The absolute magic of cycles and their lived magnificence is as natural as breathing and yet it is also this lived magnificence that we forsake when we align exclusively to the mind. Humungous levels of drive and a constant focus that works against these natural cycles are needed and employed to sustain ourselves in isolation from this innate harmony. This is the forceful methodology we use collectively to bring us into a state of placing the mind in dominance over our physicality. This mindset is readily revealed in sayings like life is all about mind over matter’ showing GRIT, focussing on goals and mind-driven dreams and the many other life strategies that these beliefs, and others of the same ilk, generate.

This conglomerate of beliefs working together sustains the illusion of each person being an individual, disconnected from and separate to all others, with little to no relationship to a harmonious totality. This protects the dominance of the self-serving mind that created all of this by placing each person into a competitive stance that works against their fellow human beings.


Silencing the voice of the body and its unfailing responsiveness to cycles holds this creation in place.

The body naturally aligns with these true cycles, whereas the mind insists on the repetition of its self-generated momentum. The joy of living in cycles is replaced with the nervous tension and excitement of mental stimulation; cyclically aligned activity is replaced by the arousal and drive of mental motivation based on individualistic and self-serving desire.

The Body and its Particles

As quantum physics has presented, all matter is made up of intelligent, responsive particles, also referred to as divine particles. (2) These particles access a profoundly expansive universal intelligence that differs markedly to the exclusively mental intelligence we have become accustomed to using. Our bodies are constituted of these divine particles, but have we been allowing their intelligence to em-body so that we can access what they offer?

How does this relate to education?

Young children are deeply connected to the body and to the intelligence of its particles. If we refuse to allow our children to express from the responsiveness of the whole body, we are omitting the grander, truly holistic aspects of ourselves – aspects that would unfold naturally, given the opportunity and the space to do so. Simply, without doing so, we are playing and perpetuating a most heinous game of reductionism, compressing vast wisdom and universal intelligence down to a set of mentally derived constructs while we block our ears and suppress our entire innate sense–itivity to the constant subtle communications of universal intelligence that are impulsed to us all ceaselessly.

Educators have long theorised about the existence of many different types of intelligence (3) and of the value of a healthy body to sustain a healthy mind (4). However, have we been avoiding the fact that our true mind actually resides within the whole body itself, and that this intelligence supersedes in magnitude the more common mental intelligence, just as the ocean supersedes, but holds as a part of it, a single drop of water?

True developmental psychology allows the unfolding of this innate whole body intelligence from birth onwards.

The valuing of thinking by the lower mind

The premium value in education is our ostensible ability to think and we value a range of hierarchically (scaled) ordered thinking skills to which we aspire. We then rank and serially order students and people along this scale of mental capability. Our global society demands ever increasing levels of complex thinking in order to address its equally increasing levels of complex problems that need solutions to be provided by the mind that created the problems at the outset. Is this not a strange tautology on which to base our world?

And yet, what if it were actually true that we don’t think?

This is a huge, apparently insurmountable, concept for us to consider. It shakes the very foundations of our global education systems, all that we pride ourselves on, our corporate esprit, our self-perceptions, our hallowed halls of academia, our ranking systems, our creativity and even our pride in our ability to manifest the life we want by controlling the type and quality of our thoughts ourselves. As a man thinketh….(5)

Yet the oldest philosophy known to humanity presents that we are vehicles of energy; that the thoughts that we think of as ‘ours,’ as ‘belonging to us’, are actually fed to us and are determined solely by the quality of the energy that we align with. In short and in fact, what we call ‘I’ does not think at all; it merely aligns to an energetic quality, there being just two foundational sources of energy from which to choose. We can align with the exclusively cerebral / mental mind or we can align with our essence and its communications through our physical body.

Yet our current model of education not only sustains the illusion that we do think, that we are free thinkers engaging in independent thought, it also gives us many and varied flavours of thinking. Rather than expanding into the depths of the simplicity of universal intelligence and true interdependence, these many flavours of thinking often have a tendency to expand into increasing levels of complexity and complication. One common example of this in a primary school setting is the juxtaposing of Bloom’s taxonomy with multiple intelligences, and then aligning both to each school’s overriding pedagogical framework. Moreover, the more abstract the level of thinking is, such as that sanctioned by academia, the more removed it is from the physical body. By contrast, a reliance on ‘concrete materials’ and physical manipulables are perceived to be indicators of immature thinking, as props needed by those (our children) who have yet to learn to think fully at a distance from our physical world.

Is not the fact that we have to be taught to think a clear exposé that it is neither innate nor completely natural to us?

This trend to increasing levels of mental complexity has a physical and visual counterpart in creations like the donut burger.

The donut burger synthesises a multiplicity of pre-existing items into one and then claims to be a new and innovative design. When it comes to thinking skills, we also intensely layer and juxtapose multiple ways of thinking together to bring the illusion of progress and advancement in our thought processes.

It is a sobering picture to consider that our body is carrying around the mental counterpart of this monstrosity.

An exclusive reliance on this type of thinking suppresses the communications from the body and yet it is only through the physical body that our true, inner essence can express. The commitment to honouring the expression of our inner essence calls for the building of love within the body and the acknowledgement that it needs to be deeply respected, honoured and listened to attentively. This is the only way to realign the mind with the essence, with the body, and with the harmonious interdependence we originate from.

The Values inherent in Whole Body Intelligence

The intelligence of the body expressing from its Divine particles, and in alignment with cycles and with the essence, brings a simplicity and humbleness to the way that we live. The focus becomes one of listening to the body as it communicates the impulses of the essence, which naturally expresses the quality of the evolutionary cycles we are under.

These values of simplicity and humbleness differ considerably from those in the current model of education, where the prevailing values are those of mental idealism, complex and abstract thinking, drive and elevated nervous energy. Our highest ideals centre on abstract thinking: the more distant from the physical reality our thinking is, the more it is feted and prized. From the perspective of the writers, it is only through the physical that our true mind can ultimately express once we are in full connection with our essence.

The most significant difference between these two sets of values lies in the quality of the energy on which they are founded: the quality of the mental energy of the mind or the quality that arises from the impulses of the essence, this being based on Love.

This leads to the understanding that how we use or cooperate with our physical body is entirely dependent on the navigator that we choose. The consequences of this pivotal choice then unfold the quality of our life and of the accompanying values by which we live, conduct ourselves and relate (or not) with all others.

Whole Body Intelligence in Activity 

Whole Body Intelligence can be observed most readily in the activity of young children and how they engage with and observe life. Up to the age of 5, the five physical body senses are coordinated under the 6th sense of the essence – the sense of clairsentience. This confers the ability to feel acutely the two different sources of all expressions – those derived from the mind and those that are impulsed by the essence. This discernment of energetic quality is at the forefront of the child’s awareness and this is either supported by those in the child’s environment or, more often, shut down – at times brutally. When this clairsentience is supported, or simply left to be and to express, the qualities of joy within the body, inclusivity, tenderness, delicateness, brotherhood, wonder and astuteness are clearly evident.


When clairsentience is fully engaged with and operating routinely, we see a child in full activity with the entire body and engaging in the world at a vibrational level. Children connect to the world in full energetic awareness of the types and qualities of energy around them and in the awareness of the two differing sources of energy in our world. The current education model and prevailing parenting model shut down this vibrational awareness, layering over the essence and overriding, bludgeoning and corrupting the sensitivity of the ‘whole body,’ forcing the five senses to operate in isolation to each other and removed from the sense of feeling that derives from the coordinating 6th sense.


The result is an immediate disharmony within the body, even at the purely sensory level, as the body’s harmony rests on the integrity of all 6 senses working together.

When the senses are forced into operating in isolation, we reduce ourselves to seeing and being in the awareness of merely three dimensions. There is no awareness of the vibrational quality of the world in which we live, nor of those more subtle aspects of ourselves that can only be felt, including the awareness and sensing of the Love that we all are innately.

The restricted and reduced sensory awareness is then used in conjunction with thinking and normalised so that we then believe that this is all there is and this is all that we are – a fleshy human being operating exclusively in the three dimensional world.

In effect, we have reduced ourselves to being 3D flat landers with no awareness or sense of vibration or energy and so no awareness of our essence and of who we are by true origin. This is the tragedy of the way of being a human being under the dominance of the mind – the same mind that is prized so highly by the current model of education.

What would happen if we engaged our whole body intelligence in education?

Is it wise – or even sustainable – to continue to suppress the innate intelligence of the physical body routinely as we parent and educate our children? Is the assault on the senses and the innate sensitivity of our children the paradigm we want to prevail throughout the 21st century and beyond (?), or can we ready ourselves to return to the absolute wonder of our true intelligence? This intelligence is based on the honouring of the physical body in the awareness that this vehicle, in union with the impulses of our essence, is what brings access to an intelligence that is vaster than what we have come to call thinking. This intelligence is divinely sourced and is based on Love –– Love being the quality that re-unifies from within a body that has been split into disparate parts, restoring its inner integrity and harmony.

The divisiveness of the current model of education and the mental energy on which it is based, reduce the body to a conglomerate of separate parts working against each other antagonistically. This inner bodily disharmony reflects the outer divisiveness we each witness daily in our world. As we return to Love and we restore the truth of whole body intelligence, this inner harmony reconnects us with the grand universal Harmony where we engage with all as one part of a magnificent Whole.

It is Love that unveils our absolute connection with all others and brings the intelligence to express solely from who we are, uprooting anything that is less than this – this being the impulse of Truth.

It is Love that supports the body to access the universal intelligence of the stars and beyond – bringing the expression of our multidimensionality, the aspect of us all that is way beyond the scope and reach of the reduced self we have subscribed to under the constructs of the current model.

This loving state restores the whole body intelligence that supports this entirely different level of truth and restores the absolute wonder of our true intelligence, for how could anything that is less than unified within itself ever relate to the intelligence and wisdom that are universally harmonious and seamlessly interwoven as a Divinely Ordered Unity across many, many dimensions?

Why do we need Whole Body Intelligence in Education?

Can we begin to consider that there is perhaps the slightest possibility that the true purpose of education is to serve as an instrument through which we nurture our children – and so ourselves – into the reclamation of the loving truth, the joyful harmony and wondrous multidimensional intelligence that we all are equally and innately?

If we answer affirmatively, it would then be wiser not to ask Why do we need Whole Body Intelligence in Education? but rather:

Why would we not choose Whole Body Intelligence as our unfolding future en-masse?

What unfolds in response to this latter question will surely present the truth of who we are and what we have reduced ourselves to be in much the same way as does this article itself.

(1) Shakespeare Quick Quotes - There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. (2020). Retrieved 23 February 2020, from


(2) Unimed Living. 2021. Have We Crucified The Butterfly? The War Between Science And Religion | Unimed Living. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 January 2021].



(4) A Healthy Mind In a Healthy Body: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano – 98.6 Dr. Pribut's Blog. (2021). Retrieved 8 January 2021, from


(5) Allen, J. (2020). As a man thinketh. By James Allen. The James Allen Free Library. Retrieved 2 March 2020, from

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